Bald Land Transport

The transportation system in the country is tangled in a web. What we need is someone to untangle the knots and provide a smooth flowing land transportation and reliable public commuting system. Well, Prime Minister Najib just fumbled by selecting Baldy Syed Hamid as Public Land Transport Commission's (SPAD) chief.

Syed Hamid is well known for his spinning! Pakar putar-belit! What can "past the shelf life" guy do to improve the land transport system? God knows what is in store! Malaysians are a cursed lot for tolerating idiots as chiefs, directors and ministers. All these morons do not have creative thinking to build the nation. All they know is to scheme to formulate discriminative policies, thieving projects, and swindle the nations wealth. 

We are dished with high cost and ill managed public transportation system. Traffic congestion is giving headache. As though to add insult to injury, we are once again need to tolerate "Bald remarks!".
The whole land transport system is going to be in chaos!

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